
Get Hired Faster For Automotive Jobs

If you are a job seeker and looking to get a job in a dealership or a dealer group, you are in the right place.

We have a network of over 3,000 dealers in the country and they are constantly seeking talented people to join their team.

We have an excellent reputation with our clients, and we always seek the best candidates for our client’s open positions. We are rigid with our standards – we don’t simply accept anyone.

Our fees are paid by our clients, and they sign an agreement which includes confidentiality before we work with them. With the reassurance of confidentiality and privacy, you can work with us in absolute confidence.

Please use the application form to provide information, and if you have a resume you can upload it through the form. Remember, you must have a significant and successful career path in a retail automobile dealership, otherwise we will just be wasting each other’s time.

Candidates - Autopeople Automotive Recruiting